miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Part II - Interview with a tattoo artist

Interview with Funi, tattoo artist from "ND Tattoo Barcelona"

“About the different kinds, it depends on the island, in every area they are different. – Yes, tribal symbology, mythology, everything is lookalike, except for Borneo, it is a little bit different. But the rest are mostly black blocks, lines and dots, triangles…”

“About the techniques, they mostly used sticks with shark teeth or tiny bones, with two sticks, they made a canal so the ink could lower to the sharp point. Then they would take the two sticks and start tapping tap-tap” (tā moko comes from this sound).

They explain how nowadays new machines and techniques are used. Modern day tattoo machines come basically from Edison’s designs; and there are some others, electrical machines working with magnetism.

“Yes they have meanings. It is said that you go there and you talk with a local, you explain him your life history and they summarize/picture it on a tattoo, every thing has a meaning. Turtles are like a long life, triangles are shark teeth, triangles with an inner line are earth/ground, everything is about nature, birds…”

“Here in Europe, it is about aesthetics. They could get angry if they see you with a Maori tattoo with no reason, because for them it has a value. They could get really angry”

“Maybe depending on what you wanted to get, they wouldn’t do it on you. Most of them are family matters.”

“Yes we do them, but on an ornamental level. Here in Barcelona there is a guy doing them, it is said that he can interpret them, but we are not sure.”

“A Maori tattoo is a kind of tattoo that I wouldn’t do on myself. I like to see them, but if I had to get one, I think I would go there, because of the meaning it has. Because here maybe you can get whatever. If you have it on an ornamental level yes, but it is cooler if it has some meaning. So get something that maybe I don’t know what it is and the guy doing it doesn’t either…”

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